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Oil Laser Cleaning Machine

The principle of operation of a laser cleaner for oil cleaning mainly involves the physical properties of the laser and the chemical and physical properties of the oil. 

The following is the basic principle of operation of a laser cleaner for cleaning oil contamination:

 laser cleaners achieve effective cleaning results by heating, decomposing or evaporating oil-contaminated surfaces through the action of a high-energy laser beam. 

This technology is particularly suitable for applications that require high precision and efficient cleaning, such as industrial production and maintenance areas.

There have 2 type laser Laser Cleaning Machine, different laser source, different laser head and software, 

one called Pulse Laser Cleaner, and another called Continuous Laser Cleaning Machine:

You can see Pulse Laser Remove Oil from Below video:

You can also see Continuous Laser Cleaning for oil from below video 

Taking the above factors into consideration, and based on specific cleaning needs and budget, you can choose the right model and type of laser cleaner.

When choosing a continuous laser cleaner or pulsed laser cleaner, there are several things to consider:

Laser principle of action:

Laser energy absorption: The laser cleaner irradiates the surface of the workpiece with a high energy laser beam. 

These laser photons, when interacting with the surface, are partially absorbed by the surface material, resulting in localized heating and energy transfer.

Thermal effect: The laser's action on the oily surface generates high temperatures, thermalizing and decomposing the oil.

Photochemical effect: High energy lasers can also dissociate or chemically change oil molecules through photochemical reactions, helping to remove the dirt.

Treatment of oil contamination:

Oil Breakdown: High energy laser beams can break up or disintegrate oil molecules, making them easier to remove.

Evaporation and Removal: Some of the oil is evaporated or volatilized directly by the laser and the remaining residue can be removed by airflow or other means.

Advantages and applicability:

Non-Contact Cleaning: Laser cleaning is a non-contact cleaning technique that avoids the scratches or damage to surfaces that can be caused by physical brushing or high pressure water jets.

Precision and localization: Laser cleaners allow precise control of the position and energy of the laser beam so that it can be localized to the specific area to be cleaned.

Environmentally friendly and energy efficient: Compared to traditional chemical cleaning methods,

laser cleaning is more environmentally friendly and energy efficient as it does not require large quantities of water and chemical solvents, reducing chemical waste generation and emissions.


Cleaning needs:

Cleaning object material: different materials have different surface characteristics and response to laser cleaning, such as metal, plastic, ceramics, etc.

Cleaning objectives: whether to remove surface dirt, grease, coatings or rust removal, removal of oxides, etc..

Shape and complexity of the surface to be cleaned: whether there are uneven special shapes that require fine cleaning control.

Laser equipment performance:

Power and Energy Density: Continuous laser cleaners typically have higher power for large, fast cleaning, while pulsed laser cleaners can provide higher energy density for fine cleaning tasks.

Laser beam quality: The stability and focusing of the laser beam is critical to the cleaning results and the quality parameters of the laser beam need to be considered.

Material properties and cleaning results:

Thermal sensitivity to materials: Continuous operation of a continuous laser cleaner may generate more heat, which may cause deformation or damage to heat-sensitive materials; whereas a pulsed laser cleaner can reduce the thermal impact due to shorter pulse times.

Cleaning efficiency and quality: It is necessary to evaluate the cleaning efficiency and quality of different types of laser cleaners in practical applications, including the degree of thoroughness of cleaning, surface finish, and so on.

Cost and maintenance:

Purchase and operating costs of the equipment: continuous laser cleaners are usually more expensive, but may be more efficient in large-area cleaning tasks; pulsed laser cleaners are usually less expensive, but may require more frequent maintenance and adjustments.

Maintenance and servicing needs: Maintenance and servicing may vary between different types of laser cleaners, and the stability and reliability of the equipment needs to be considered.
